Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

A Little Story

It wasn't begin with a word "Once upon a time", because it wasn't a story to tell, it's was a story to share....

I'ts was busy that day, everyone start yelling each other... BECAUSE IT'S NEAR THE DAY ...
A girl sitting alone the corner with a sad face,.. she was waiting for someone ...
Finnaly, that boy shows up. We raise our hand and pull out our pinkie finger (making promise).
I thought that day will be the most unforgetable day in my life. But, it doesn't sounds like it ....

(will be continue)

Orientasi 2010 (lately post)

Hei all !!!!!!!!!!
Long time no see ... -_-
Just begin to write again,.. hehehe
Anyway, baru aja bulan April lalu aku mengikuti orientasi :D
Dari orientasi terdiri dari beberapa tes yang harus ditempuh, KENAPA??? Karena ini termasuk penyaringan OSIS. Buatku yang paling aku khawatirkan itu hari Rabu , karena pada hari itu tesnya adalah PROKER !!!! Tau gak prokerku apa ? ---->> LECD (Labschoolians English Creativity Day) hahaha!! Sampe sekarang displaynya masih ada di kamar lhoo :) walau kalau dilihat kesannya menuh-menuhin kamar, tapi artinya buat aku kenangan yang ga bakal bisa dilupain :)
Ya alhamdulillah, presentasiku berjalan lancar :D
Thanx to Allah and everybody else....
Nahhh sekarang ??? Lagi nunggu pengumuman dehh :)